Thursday, 11 June 2015

Thursday Movie Picks #48: Movies Set in a High School, Secondary School or the Equivalent

 I couldn't do Thursday Movie Picks last week because I was busy trying to conquer and defeat ancient armies in battle on Age of Empires.

Anyway, this week it's Movies set in High School, Secondary School or the equivalent -

This Scottish coming of age story is regarded as a classic in these parts of the world. Championed by Britain's most trusted film critic, Mark Kermode, it's about a rather awkward and strange boy named Gregory who becomes smitten with the new girl in the football/soccer team. Gregory's Girl is a funny and engaging coming of age comedy-drama

The Wave is an interesting German film that looks at modern Germany's relationship with their past and how easy fascism and a dictatorship can rise despite the students' belief that such a thing cannot happen in modern Germany.

A few months ago there was a Teen Comedy week and Mean Girls popped up quite a lot so I actually got round to seeing it and I loved it. Mean Girls is endlessly quotable and so fetch. After that I went on a small Lindsay Lohan marathon (Mean Girls, Parent Trap and Freaky Friday) and found out she was quite talented...what a waste.


  1. Mean Girls is SO FETCH! Love that movie so much. I almost chose it this week, but like usual, I tried to find films I didn't think anyone else would chose. I bet you're the only one who'll mention your first two, and I love that! Never seen them (heard of the first though), so now I'll try and seek them out!

    1. I would have never watched The Wave if it wasn't for my Regimes and Dictators class at University. I thought it was a good choice of film considering the class' subject matter.

  2. So glad you have seen the light on Mean Girls! Haven't seen either of your other two picks, but I've heard of Gregory's Girl and it's on my list. Die Welle sounds good.

    1. Haha. It was picked so often I had to see it.

  3. I haven't seen Gregory's Girl in years but remember it as a sweet and gentle comedy, a terrific choice for the week. I also just discovered Mean Girls this year, it didn't seem like my thing but someone with similar taste to mine recommended it and like you I found it first-rate, it is a real shame about Lohan-so much potential. You third choice is new to me and sound grim but good.

    1. I avoided Mean Girls for ages because I didn't think it was my thing as well. Should never prejudge a film

  4. I liked THE WAVE and MEAN GIRLS* a lot. I've never even heard of GREGORY's GIRL.

    *Have you seen the sequel?

    1. It's a British film, quite localised not surprised you haven't heard of it.

      And I haven't seen the sequel.

  5. Can't go wrong with Mean Girls. I've only heard of The Wave. The other one escapes me. Interesting picks!

    1. It's quite a localised film, doesn't get much attention outside the United Kingdom.

  6. Mean Girls is awesome. Haven't seen the other two. Gregory's Girl sounds sort of interesting for the fact that the roles appear reversed than what is typical of American flicks. I'm certain the guy would be the athlete if it were ours. The Wave sounds really intriguing. Great job!

    1. Yeah, the role reversal was quite interesting. I would recommended The Wave.

  7. I think I've heard a little of Gregory's Girl before, but The Wave is completely new to me.
